"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2008

Media Release: Timor-Leste petroleum law opens door to corruption


Media Release
23 June 2008

Timor-Leste petroleum law opens door to corruption

Timor-Leste's new petroleum law has been drawn up in secrecy and haste and opens the door to corruption and mismanagement of the country's gas and oil revenues, FRETILIN said today.

“Greater public consultation and parliamentary scrutiny of this law is critically important to the future of our nation,” said FRETILIN MP and former Minister for Natural Resources, Minerals and Energy Policy, Jose Teixeira.

Xanana Gusmão's Parliamentary Majority Alliance de facto government (known by its Portuguese acronym AMP) enacted its National Petroleum Authority Decree Law on June 18.

The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) will replace the Timor Sea Designated Authority (TSDA) for the Joint Petroleum Development Area shared between Timor Leste and Australia. The NPA will also be responsible for regulating all petroleum exploration, production, processing and sales activities offshore and onshore in Timor-Leste.

“This law should not have been passed by decree of the Council of Ministers meeting in secret but should have been sent to parliament for scrutiny and approval,” Teixeira said.

“Also, the public was only given five working days to comment on the draft law, making a mockery of public consultation,” he said.

He said the draft law violates basic principles of the constitution and existing petroleum law and weakens parliamentary control over the petroleum sector and petroleum fund spending.

"Whenever the former FRETILIN government enacted any laws in the petroleum sector, we held wide public consultation and took time to receive and examine all public input. To us it was critically important for all stakeholders, especially our people and civil society, to understand fully and give their views on the laws we proposed to enact.”

Timor-Leste’s petroleum fund created by the former FRETILIN government now totals almost US$3 billion in savings, and was rated the third most transparent sovereign wealth fund by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, second only to those of Norway and New Zealand.

“Petroleum is vital to the future of our nation. It has also has caused untold problems of corruption and environmental damage, and led to social and political conflict, in many countries,” Teixeira said.

“Meaningful public consultation that allows all stakeholders to contribute to enacting good law and reach consensus is the only way to avoid such conflict arising in Timor Leste.

“It is clear that many national and international stakeholders are disappointed and concerned with the secrecy and unnecessary haste with which this draft law has been managed.

“Parliament's own Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Committee did not even see a draft of the law. For the past six months, FRETILIN members have been asking the de facto Minister responsible for Natural Resources and/or his Secretary of State to appear before the Committee to outline developments in the petroleum sector, without any response.

“The de facto government's own press statements mention agreements with foreign oil companies to provide technical assistance to draft laws regarding the national optimisation objectives for Timor Leste's downstream petroleum sector.

“However, these agreements are shrouded in unnecessary secrecy, arousing suspicion amongst civil society and other stakeholders in the petroleum sector.”

On 10 April 2008 President Jose Ramos Horta called on the Gusmão de facto government to work with FRETILIN to gain national consensus on management of petroleum resources and revenues.

In a media release on 13 June 2008 La´o Hamutuk, a leading civil society group intimately involved with the development of the petroleum sector in Timor-Leste from its inception, was highly critical of the de facto AMP government's secret handling of the NPA law.

In its submission to the de facto government


La´o Hamutuk said: “One of the 2002-2007 Government's proudest achievements was transcending party differences to achieve a unanimous parliamentary vote for the Petroleum Fund Act. This consensus model should be emulated, not circumvented. Involvement of elected representatives from both the governing parties, and the opposition is essential to provide stability for the future.'

Jose Teixeira said: “In 2006, the then FRETILIN government received wide national and international acclaim for the unprecedented highly transparent manner in which Timor-Leste's inaugural offshore exploration licensing round was managed. The Bid Tender Independent Evaluation Commission's report was published and the minister's decision to award the successful bidders their areas and the full reasons were published. Then the production sharing contracts were published.

“Only the highest levels of transparency can ensure a corruption-free environment.

"Our highly transparent approach has been replaced by one of secrecy and obscurity. Vital questions are now being frequently and widely asked about conflict of interest and potential for collusion and unfair advantage.”

For more information contact:
Jose Teixeira +670 728 7080 (Dili, Timor-Leste)

Komunikadu Imprensa: Timor-Leste nia lei foun kona ba mina rai loke odomatan ba korupsaun

Komunikadu Imprensa
23 Junu 2008

Timor-Leste nia lei foun kona ba mina rai loke odomatan ba korupsaun

Lei foun kona ba mina rai Timor-Leste nian halo lalais liu no halo subar hosi públiku (sekretu) no ida ne'e sei loke odomatan ba korupsaun no jestaun a'at ba rendimentu gaz no mina rai nian, FRETILIN hatete ohin.

" Importante ba ita nia nasaun nia futuru halo konsulta públika makas liu ta'an no ható lei ne'e ba Parlamentu atu diskute didiak , dehan José Teixeira, eis- Ministru Rekursus Naturais , Minerais no Politika Enerjétika nian.

Maioria Aliansa Parlamentar governu defaktu Xanana Gusmão nian ( koñesidu nudar AMP) aprova dekretu-lei kona ba Autoridade Nasional Mina Rai nian iha 18 Juñu 08.

Autoridade Nasional Minarai (ANM) mak sei halao ba oin knaar Autoridade Dezignada ba Tasi Timor nian atu tau matan ba Área Dezenvolvimentu Konjuntu Minarai nian ba Timor-Leste no Australia. ANM mak sei simu responsabilidade ba regula esplorasaun hotu-hotu iha Timor-Leste kona ba minarai, produsaun, prosesamentu no knaar fan nian, iha tasi no iha rai laran.

" Konsellu Ministrus la devia pasa deit lei ne'e ho deit Governu ninia dekretu , maibé, devia haruka ba Parlamentu diskute no aprova" , Teixeira hatete.

"Sira fo deit loron lima ba públiku halo komentariu kona ba lei ninia esbosu, ne'e hanesan goza fali ho konsulta públika ", nia hatete.

Nia mo'os hatete katak esbosu ne'e viola prinsípius bázikus Konstituisaun RDTL nian no mo'os lei mina rai nian no hamenus kontrole Parlamentu nian ba sektor minarai no despezas fundu minarai nian.

" Hori uluk bainhira FRETILIN sei kaer governasaun, molok ami aprova lei kona ba sektor minarai, ami halo konsulta públika barak no lori tempu naruk ba simu no analiza buat ne'ebé públiku ható ba ami. Ba ami, importante tebes katak parte interesada hotu-hotu, liu-liu ita nia povu no sosiedade sivil atu kompreende didiak no ható sira nia hanoin ba lei ne'ebé ami hakarak aprova".

Fundu Minarai Timor-Leste nian ne'ebé Governu FRETILIN harii, iha ona besik dólar amerikanu bilian tolu iha poupansa, no hetan terseiru lugar núdar avaliasaun ne'ebé "Paterson Institute for International Economics" halo ba fundu oi'oin estadu nian kona ba transparénsia,; kona ba kritériu ida ne'e Timor-Lsete tuir kedas Noruega no Nova Zelândia.

" Minarai importante tebes ba ita nia nasaun nia futuru. Maibé, minarai mo'os hamosu ona problema korupsaun no halo a'at ba ambiente ne'ebé loke dalan ba konfliktu sosial no polítiku , iha rai barak", Teixeira hatete.

" Dalan diak ba ita hase'es a'an hosi konflitu iha Timor-Leste maka Konsulta públika diak ida hodi hetan hotu-hotu nia kontribuisaun no konsensu".

" Ita haré duni katak parte hotu, nasional no internasional sira, laran taridu no preokupa tamba governu halo lei ne'e sub'subar deit no ansi demais".

"Parlamentu ninia Komisaun rasik – Komisaun ba Rekursus Naturais, Agrikultura no Ambiente la haré esbosu lei ne'e ninian. Iha fulan ne'en nia laran, deputadu FRETILIN nian husu bei'beik atu Ministru Rekursus Naturais ka Sekretáriu Estadu atu explika kona ba knaar ne'ebé sira halao kona ba sektor minarai nian, maibé, sira la hatán".

"Governu defaktu ninia komunikadu imprensa rasik hatete sai katak sira halo akordu ho kompañia minarai estranjeiru atu fó asisténsia téknika ba halo esbosu lei nian atu sektor minarai bele hetan benefísiu diak liu. Maibé sira halo akordu sekretu; sira la presiza halo segredu ba ida ne'e, maibé tamba sira halo nonók deit, sosiedade sivil no partes intersadas sektor minarai nian deskonfia sira"

Iha 10 Abril 2008, Prezidenti Ramos Horta husu governu defaktu Gusmão nian atu servisu hamutuk ho FRETILIN atu hetan konsensu nasional ba jestaun minarai no ba ninia rendimentu.

Iha komunikadu imprensa 13 Juñu 2008 La'o Hamutuk, organizasaun importante hosi grupu sosiedade sivil nian, ne'ebé involve a'an fou-foun kedas iha sektor minararai Timor-Leste nian, kritika makás governu AMP tamba prepara nonok deit lei kona ba ANM.

Ne'e mak dokumentu ne'ebé Lao Hamutuk ható ba governu defaktu:
Lao Hamutuk hatete: "Hosi susesu Governu nian hahú 2002 to 2007, buat ida ne'ebe halo mo'os ita sente orgullu liu, mak bainhira partidu sira se'es hosi buat sira ne'ebé fahe sira hodi hamutuk vota iha Parlamentu ba aprova lei fundu minarai nian. Tenke habelar konsensu ne'e, la'os hamonu fali. Importante involve reprezentantes hosi governu no opozisaun hodi bele hetan estabilidade iha futuru."

José Teixeira hatete: "Iha 2006, ema barak , nasional no internasional sira, mak haklaken makas governu FRETILIN tamba hahú fó lisensa ba esplora ba minarai iha tasi laran tuir mekanism ida ké transparente tebes . Relatóriu Komisaun Independente ba Avaliasaun Konkursu (Tender) publika; publika mo'os sá kompañia mak hetan kontratu no tamba sá ministru deside fó ba sira mak esplora. Hafoin kontratu produsaun fahe ba kompañia no Timor-Leste mo'os publika.

" Ita la tuir ona dalan transparénsia nian, maibé, hili fali dalan sekretu no konfuzu. Ema barak maka husu dala barak ona pergunta importante kona ba konflitu interese, koluzaun no injustisa "

Kontaktu: José Teixeira, tel 7287080

Media Release: Alkatiri urges continuing US support for Timor Leste


Media Release
23 June 2008

Alkatiri urges continuing US support for Timor Leste

FRETILIN Secretary General Dr Mari Alkatiri has concluded a successful visit to the United States where he urged government and congressional representatives to continue US support for Timor Leste's development.

In Washington DC, Dr Alkatiri met officials including US Assistant Secretary of State, Ambassador Christopher Hill, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia Pacific, Scott Marciel and Representative David Price, Chairman of the US House Of Representatives Democracy Committee.

"The people and state institutions of Timor Leste will continue to need the assistance of the people of the United States to consolidate national peace and stability so as to guarantee continuing social, political and economic progress,' Dr Alkatiri said.

"As the largest political party in Timor Leste with a plurality of seats in parliament, FRETILIN feels a responsibility to make every effort to help in this regard.

"Whatever internal political differences FRETILIN has with other parties in Timor Leste, we all have a responsibility to foster positive external relationships and seek productive outcomes for our nation."

In Washington, Dr Alkatiri also met senior executives and officials of the United States Agency for International Development, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, International Republican Institute, the World Bank, the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the Peterson Institute for International Economic Development.

Dr Alkatiri was accompanied by former Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers, Gregorio da Sousa and FRETILIN MP and former Minister for Natural Resources, Minerals and Energy Policy, Jose Teixeira.

"We made it clear during all our meetings that as the de facto opposition in parliament, FRETILIN and it's allies want to play a positive and constructive role in supporting the state of the Timor-Leste, to build on the foundations laid by the former FRETILIN government to secure sustainable development for our people," Alkatiri said.

"We stressed that in doing so we sought continued assistance and advice of and from these organizations. Their response was very positive and I believe we can expect more from them than we have attained to date. They are very enthusiastic and willing to assist us playing this positive role," Alkatiri added.

During the meetings Dr Alkatiri was praised for his leadership of the first constitutional government that established the foundations of an independent state –especially the Petroleum Fund, legal framework and functioning public administration –which enabled Timor-Leste to withstand the crisis of 2006 and allow a return to normalcy much faster than many expected.

Alkatiri said he assured the Millennium Challenge Corporation that the process of attaining a "compact", which commenced under the former FRETILIN government, would have FRETILIN's ongoing support.

Also in Washington, Dr. Alkatiri briefed ambassadors and representatives of the CPLP (Community of Portuguese Language

Countries) on positive developments towards peace and stability in Timor-Leste in recent weeks.

For more information contact:
Jose Teixeira +670 728 7080 (Dili, Timor-Leste)

Media Release: Alkatiri urges continuing US support for Timor-Leste


Media Release
23 June 2008

Alkatiri urges continuing US support for Timor-Leste

FRETILIN Secretary General Dr Mari Alkatiri has concluded a successful
visit to the United States where he urged government and congressional
representatives to continue US support for Timor Leste's development.

In Washington DC Dr Alkatiri met officials including US Assistant
Secretary of State, Ambassador Christopher Hill, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Asia Pacific, Scott Marciel and Representative David
Price, Chairman of the US House Of Representatives Democracy

"The people and state institutions of Timor Leste will continue to
need the assistance of the people of the United States to consolidate
national peace and stability so as to guarantee continuing social,
political and economic progress,' Dr Alkatiri said.

"As the largest political party in Timor Leste with a plurality of
seats in parliament, FRETILIN feels a responsibility to make every
effort to help in this regard.

"Whatever internal political differences FRETILIN has with other
parties in Timor Leste, we all have a responsibility to foster
positive external relationships and seek productive outcomes for our

In Washington, Dr Alkatiri also met senior executives and officials of
the United States Agency for International Development, National
Democratic Institute for International Affairs, International
Republican Institute, the World Bank, the Millennium Challenge
Corporation and the Peterson Institute for International Economic

Dr Alkatiri was accompanied by former Secretary of State for the
Council of Ministers, Gregorio da Sousa and FRETILIN MP and former
Minister for Natural Resources, Minerals and Energy Policy, Jose

"We made it clear during all our meetings that as the de facto
opposition in parliament, FRETILIN and it's allies want to play a
positive and constructive role in supporting the state of the
Timor-Leste, to build on the foundations laid by the former FRETILIN
government to secure sustainable development for our people," Alkatiri

"We stressed that in doing so we sought continued assistance and
advice of and from these organizations. Their response was very
positive and I believe we can expect more from them than we have
attained to date. They are very enthusiastic and willing to assist us
playing this positive role," Alkatiri added.

During the meetings Dr Alkatiri was praised for his leadership of the
first constitutional government that established the foundations of an
independent state – especially the Petroleum Fund, legal framework and
functioning public administration – which enabled Timor-Leste to
withstand the crisis of 2006 and allow a return to normalcy much
faster than many expected.

Alkatiri said he assured the Millennium Challenge Corporation that the
process of attaining a "compact", which commenced under the former
FRETILIN government, would have FRETILIN's ongoing support.

Also in Washington, Dr. Alkatiri briefed ambassadors and
representatives of the CPLP (Community of Portuguese Language
Countries) on positive developments towards peace and stability in
Timor-Leste in recent weeks.

For more information contact:

Jose Teixeira +670 728 7080 (Dili, Timor-Leste)