"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2007

Media Release - ADF doorknocking campaign Timor-Leste style


Media release
22 August 2007

ADF doorknocking campaign Timor-Leste style

Australian troops in the eastern districts of Timor Leste are engaged in a doorknocking campaign apparently aimed at intimidating Fretilin supporters to switch their allegiance to the new illegitimate government of Jose Alexandre Gusmao.

Fretilin today called for an independent investigation into written statements by many Timorese villagers testifying to political interference by Australian troops in recent weeks.

FRETILIN Deputy Secretary General Jose Reis said, "A joint investigation involving UNMIT and FRETILIN into the conduct of the Australian Defence Force is the only way to get to the truth and for the ADF to hope to re-establish the credibility it once had in

"FRETILIN is in the process of collecting written statements from people complaining about the behaviour of Australian troops.

"Also, a reputable local news paper Tempo Semanal today reported an incident involving Mr Fernando Soares, a 35 year old farmer and a well known Fretilin member in the village of Bucoli, Baucau district."

Soares said that about 8pm on Thursday 16 August a group of Australian soldiers accompanied by a Timorese interpreter arrived at his home and kicked on his door in order to get his attention.

A soldier who did not identify himself asked through an interpreter:
"Are you with FRETILIN or with AMP?" (AMP is the informal coalition in Parliament supporting the unconstitutional government of Jose Alexandre Gusmao)

Soares replied that he had been a long time FRETILIN member and continued to be so. The soldier then told him through the interpreter: "You should support the government and CNRT and influence these youths in your area to support the government and CNRT".

Reis said, "Somewhat surprised and scared because of the lateness of the night and having heard some reports of action by the soldiers against FRETILIN supporters, Mr Soares Fernando decided to say nothing further.

"The soldier and his companions left shortly after."

Reis said that for over a year now FRETILIN has been complaining about this type of questioning by ADF in patrols in Timor-Leste.

"During the first weeks of the crisis in 2006 after their arrival, soldiers were heard to be making statements like 'Alkatiri no good. Gusmao Good', 'L-7 no good. Gusmao good' and 'Taur Matan Ruak Fucking militia'."

L-7 is the alias for Cornelius Gama, a veteran resistance fighter from the district of Baucau in the east of Timor-Leste. Taur Matan Ruak is the army commander of F-FFTL, the East Timorese national defence force, who is also from the district of Baucau.

Reis said "The behaviour of Australian troops is unacceptable conduct for guests in our country who have been requested to help to re-establish law and order."

For further information: FRETILIN Media (+670) 733 5060 or fretilin.media@gmail.com

Comunicado de Imprensa -Campanha porta-a-porta da ADF ao estilo de Timor-Leste


Comunicado de Media
22 Agosto 2007

Campanha porta-a-porta da ADF ao estilo de Timor-Leste

Tropas Australianas nos distritos do leste de Timor-Leste estão engajadas numa campanha porta-a-porta que aparentemente visa intimidar os apoiantes da Fretilin para mudarem a sua lealdade para o novo governo ilegítimo de José Alexandre Gusmão.

Hoje a Fretilin pediu uma investigação independente a queixas escritas por muitos residentes de aldeias Timorenses que dão conta da interferência política de tropas Australianas nas semanas recentes.

Disse o Vice-Secretário-Geral da FRETILIN José Reis, "Uma investigação conjunta envolvendo a UNMIT e a FRETILIN à conduta da Força de Defesa Australiana é a única via para obter a verdade e para a ADF esperar re-estabelecer a credibilidade que em tempos já teve em Timor-Leste.

"A FRETILIN tem em curso o processo de recolher declarações escritas de pessoas que se estão a queixar do comportamento das tropas Australianas.

"Também um jornal local respeitado, o Tempo Semanal relatou hoje um incidente que envolveu o Sr Fernando Soares, um agricultor de 35 anos e conhecido membro da na aldeia de Bucoli, distrito de Baucau."

Soares disse que cerca das 8pm na Quinta-feira 16 Agosto, um grupo de soldados Australianos acompanhados de um intérprete Timorense chegou a sua casa e bateram à sua porta para chamar a atenção.

Um soldado que não se identificou perguntou através do intérprete:
"Está com a FRETILIN ou com a AMP?" (AMP é a coligação informal no Parlamento que apoia o governo inconstitucional de José Alexandre Gusmão)

Soares respondeu que é a muito tempo membro da FRETILIN e que continua a ser. Então disse-lhe o soldado através do intérprete: "Deve apoiar o governo e o CNRT e influenciar esses jovens a sua área a apoiar o governo e o CNRT".

Reis disse, "De certo modo surpreendido e assustado dado já ser uma hora tardia na noite e tendo ouvido antes alguns relatos de acções dos soldados contra apoiantes da FRETILIN o Sr Soares Fernando decidiu não dizer nada mais.

"O soldado e os seus companheiros partiram pouco depois."

Reis disse que há mais de um ano que a FRETILIN se tem queixado deste tipo de interrogatórios pela ADF nas patrulhas em Timor-Leste.

"Durante as primeiras semanas da crise em 2006 depois da sua chegada, ouviu-se soldados a fazerem afirmações como 'Alkatiri não é bom. Gusmão é bom', 'L-7 não é bom. Gusmão é bom' e 'Taur Matan Ruak é um mílícia fodido'."

L-7 é a alcunha de Cornelius Gama, um guerrilheiro veterano da resistência do distrito de Baucau no leste de Timor-Leste. Taur Matan Ruak é o comandante das F-FFTL, a força de defesa nacional Timorense, que é também do distrito de Baucau.

Reis disse "O comportamento das tropas Australianas é inaceitável para tropas que estão como convidadas no nosso país e a quem foi pedido para ajudar a re-estabelecer a lei e a ordem."

Para mais informação: FRETILIN Media (+670) 733 5060 ou fretilin.media@gmail.com

Biography - Ilda Maria da Conceição


Biography - Ilda Maria da Conceição
21 August 2007

Note to reader: Set out below is a short bio of Ilda Maria de Conceição. FRETILIN will be issuing short biographies of its leaders over the next few weeks as part of its ongoing campaign to provide more information about the party and its members.

The first few biographies will focus on women within FRETILIN, who have played prominent roles in all FRETILIN governments.

Ilda Maria da Conceição

Ilda Maria da Conceição was born on November 23, 1957 in Uato Carbau, Viqueque where she spent most of her childhood. She is the daughter of Beatriz Arajo and Agustinho da Costa Pinto. In 1977 Ilda married Reinaldo Freitas Belo a.k.a Kilik Wai Gae who passed away in 1984. Together they had a daughter Maria Beatriz da Silva who is now 27 years old and a son Reinaldo Junior F Belo who is 24 years old.

Ilda married for the second time to Manuel Leão a.k.a Gelson Black. They have 2 children; a 19 year old daughter Leonilda Arajo Gaio and a 17 year old son Renato António Gaio.

Ilda is a member of FRETILIN and was the Vice Minister of Education with responsibility for Primary and Secondary Schooling in the 3rd constitutional government. She is currently a member of parliament for FRETILIN.

Education and Qualifications

As a daughter of a Liurai under Portuguese colonialism, Ilda was privileged to have access to education. Ilda went to primary school at the Oscar Ruas College in Oss, Viqueque from 1966-71, followed by pre secondary schooling in Dili from 1971-72. She then pursued a Business course at the Professor Silva Cunha technical school in Dili from 1973-75.

Professional Career

Ilda's career in education began at the age of 18 years when she was forced to leave her hometown to live in the mountains with FRETILIN in December 1975 as result of the Indonesian invasion. As one of few educated Timorese women Ilda committed herself to assisting less privileged women. The young Ilda led various education activities in the mountains. In particular, she taught literacy as well as sewing and needlecraft, although there were few facilities for them to use.

During the UN transitional period Ilda was designated as an administrator for the district of Viqueque from November 2000 to September 2001. Her experience, capability and intellectual leadership led her to serve as the Vice Minister of Administration in the first FRETILIN government until July 2006.

In August 2006, Ilda accepted the appointment of Vice Minister of Education in the third constitutional government.

Political Activities

Ilda joined the Popular Women's Organization of Timor-Leste (OPMT), which was established by FRETILIN on 28 August 1975 with the objective of giving women the opportunity to participate in the movement for independence and the political process in Timor- Leste.

In 1975, Ilda became a leader of OPMT in the village of Bahtata-Uato Carbau. At that time, Ilda was well known by her revolutionary name Lalo Imin, which means, 'Independence or death, never for integration' (Independência ou Morte, Integração Nunca).

Ilda participated in the guerrilla war for 11 years (1975-86). In 1976, Ilda was appointed as assistant for zone 1912 in Baguia. She then became a commissariat delegate with responsibility for the eastern sector from 1977-78. In the same year Ilda married Kilik Wai Gae who was the Second Sector commander. In 1978, Ilda with Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão Secretary Chai, his wife and one platoon set up the clandestine network in Lospalos. Ilda and other members of OPMT used this opportunity to organize OPMT activities in Lospalos.

In 1981 Ilda was appointed as a commando assistant. For security reasons Ilda was forced to changed her revolutionary name in 1978 to "Wairaha Gae Imin", which means, "a big star that rises before the sun in the morning".

When Ilda's husband was killed in 1984, Ilda was captured by the Indonesian military and moved to town. She joined the clandestine movement in town, even though the Indonesian military continued to monitor her activities closely. She was re-captured in 1986 in Boilo-Oss and jailed for 2 years in Baucau for her resistance work.

Following her release, the Indonesian military restricted her movements. They considered her to be a member of the movement of order disturbances (GPK). Despite this surveillance she continued with her clandestine activities under the cover of her volunteer work with the Church where she taught religion in the Viqueque Parish.

As a militant of FRETILIN Ilda was voted a member of the Party's Central Committee representing the Viqueque district from 2001-06. At the second National Congress of FRETILIN, she was elected as a member of the Judicial Commission for 2006-11.

On 28 November 2006, Ilda was honored by the government with an award for her outstanding participation and contribution for the liberation of Timor-Leste.
Ilda, is a courageous Timorese woman who, as a nationalist and a FRETILIN member continues to stand up strongly for her beliefs which have marked the history of the Timorese struggle for Independence.

Ilda is fluent in Portuguese, Tetum, Naoueti and Macassae (dialects from Baucau and Viqueque) and was a prominent speaker on the FRETILIN documentary "Rise up Maubere people! FRETILIN today".

Media Release - Australian troops provoke more unrest in Timor-Leste


Media release
20 August 2007

Australian troops provoke more unrest in Timor-Leste

Australian troops in Timor-Leste have inflamed an already volatile situation by tearing up FRETILIN flags and wiping their backsides with it, FRETILIN Vice President and MP Arsenio Bano said today.

"The trashing of FRETILIN flags is yet another demonstration of the partisan nature of the Howard government's military intervention in Timor Leste," Bano said.

He said the incidents occurred in the eastern part of the country on 18 August, at two separate locations – Suco (administrative region) Walili on the road between Baucau and Viqueque and in the village of Alala in Viqueque district – where villagers had raised the FRETILIN flag in protest against the unconstitutional government of Jose Alexandre Gusmao.

"At Walili two Australian military vehicles full of soldiers tore up a FRETILIN flag which had been raised at the roadside, wiped their backsides with it and drove off with the flag. The stolen flag was returned by an Australian army captain later that day.

"In Alala village Australian troops tried to sever a FRETILIN flag from its rope and then drove over it.

"We condemn these extremely provocative actions which have inflamed an already volatile situation. The FRETILIN flag has enormous symbolic and emotional value to the people of Timor-Leste which extends beyond FRETILIN's members and supporters.

"Tens of thousands of people died fighting under this flag during the struggle for independence, including family members of the people who witnessed its trashing on Saturday.

"The Australian soldiers have insulted our martyrs and the entire East Timorese people. Their cultural insensitivity and arrogance typifies Australian military operations in the Pacific region."

Bano said the incidents could not be excused as the actions of misguided individual soldiers.

"The soldiers take their cue from their officers who understand the true objectives of the Howard government's partisan intervention in Timor-Leste, which has had one overriding aim – the removal of the democratically elected FRETILIN government and its replacement with the illegitimate government of Jose Alexandre Gusmao."

For more information, please contact:

Arsenio Bano (+670) 733 9416, FRETILIN Media (+670) 733 5060 or


Comunicado de Imprensa - Tropas Australianas provocam mais desassossego em Timor-Leste


Comunicado de Imprensa
20 Agosto 2007
Tropas Australianas provocam mais desassossego em Timor-Leste

Tropas Australianas em Timor-Leste inflamaram uma situação já volátil ao arrancarem bandeiras da FRETILIN e limparem as costas com elas, disse hoje o Vice-Presidente da FRETILIN e deputado Arsénio Bano.

"O deitarem para o chão as bandeiras da FRETILIN é mais outra demonstração da natureza parcial da intervenção militar do governo de Howard em Timor Leste," disse Bano .

Disse que os incidentes ocorreram na parte leste do país em 18 de Agosto, em dois locais diferentes – Suco (região administrativa) Walili na estrada entre Baucau e Viqueque e na aldeia de Alala no distrito de Viqueque – onde os residentes tinham erguido a bandeira da FRETILIN em protesto contra o governo inconstitucional de José Alexandre Gusmão.

"Em Walili dois veículos militares Australianos cheios de soldados rasgaram uma bandeira da FRETILIN que tinha estado erguida na beira da estrada, limparam com ela as costas e continuaram caminho com a bandeira. A bandeira roubada foi devolvida mais tarde nesse dia por um capitão das forças armadas Australianas.

"Na aldeia Alala as tropas Australianas tentarem arrancar da corda uma bandeira da FRETILIN e depois passaram por cima dela .

"Condenamos estas acções extremamente provocatórias que têm inflamado uma situação já volátil. A bandeira da FRETILIN tem um enorme valor simbólico e emocional para o povo de Timor-Leste que vai para além dos membros e apoiantes da FRETILIN.

"Dezenas de milhares de pessoas morreram a lutar sob esta bandeira durante a luta pela independência, incluindo membros das famílias das pessoas que testemunharam quando a deitaram para o chão no Sábado .

"Os soldados Australianos insultaram os nossos mártires e toda a nação Timorense. A sua insensibilidade cultural e arrogância tipificam as operações militares Australianas na região do Pacífico."

Bano disse que os incidentes não podiam ser desculpados como acções de soldados individuais mal orientados.

"Os soldados seguem os exemplos dos seus oficiais e entendem os objectivos verdadeiros da intervenção parcial do governo de Howard em Timor-Leste, que teve um objectivo principal – a remoção do governo democráticamente eleito da FRETILIN e a sua substituição com o governo ilegítimo de José Alexandre Gusmão."

Por mais informação, por favor contacte:

Arsenio Bano (+670) 733 9416, FRETILIN Media (+670) 733 5060 ou
