"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2008

Media Release: FRETILIN rejects ceremony to receive rebels


Media Release
April 30, 2008

FRETILIN rejects ceremony to receive rebels

The FRETILIN parliamentary group yesterday rejected participating in a ceremony to receive the rebel group led by Gastao Salsinha, saying the rebels should have faced the courts first, rather than be presented at the government palace.

The Salsinha group is linked to the alleged attack on the de facto Prime Minister on February 11, 2008.

The leader of the FRETILIN parliamentary group, Aniceto Guterres, made this clear in response to media questions. Mario Carrascalao, the Social Democratic Party leader and Member of Parliament, is also believed to have refused to attend the ceremony.

"This ceremony organized by the AMP de facto government is inappropriate. It portrays a negative image of our nation state. We cannot treat rebels in the same way we would undertake a family ceremony or a traditional ceremony. We must treat these questions of state with much more seriousness. These actions have diminished the dignity of our nation state," said Guterres.

According to Guterres these rebels should be immediately presented to the justice authorities and processed accordingly. Guterres added that as a state under the rule of law all those who violate the law are answerable to the courts and not political figures.

"The AMP de facto government has organized a reception ceremony whilst ignoring the warrants for the immediate apprehension of these rebels allegedly responsible for engaging in serious criminal action against this state. From what we hear, the rebel Salsinha and his group did not even formally surrender to authorities yesterday, but were permitted to participate in a public ceremony that was a charade. It was simply a farce for political gain."

Guterres also added: "FRETILIN views this undignified attitude by the state as projecting a negative image to our people and will only promote disrespect for the law and the constitution. It is also a blatant display by those who govern Timor-Leste today of their lack of respect for the rule of law."

Guterres said in closing that once again the FRETILIN parliamentary group congratulated the Joint Operation Command for the success in bringing the rebels to heel and acknowledged the personal efforts by Gastao Salsinha and his group as citizens of Timor-Leste to peacefully submit themselves to justice.

For further information please call Nilva Guimaraes in Dili: +670 7340389

Media Release: FRETILIN rejects ceremony to receive rebels


Media Release
April 30, 2008

FRETILIN rejects ceremony to receive rebels

The FRETILIN parliamentary group yesterday rejected participating in a ceremony to receive the rebel group led by Gastao Salsinha, saying the rebels should have faced the courts first, rather than be presented at the government palace.

The Salsinha group is linked to the alleged attack on the de facto Prime Minister on February 11, 2008.

The leader of the FRETILIN parliamentary group, Aniceto Guterres, made this clear in response to media questions. Mario Carrascalao, the Social Democratic Party leader and Member of Parliament, is also believed to have refused to attend the ceremony.

"This ceremony organized by the AMP de facto government is inappropriate. It portrays a negative image of our nation state. We cannot treat rebels in the same way we would undertake a family ceremony or a traditional ceremony. We must treat these questions of state with much more seriousness. These actions have diminished the dignity of our nation state," said Guterres.

According to Guterres these rebels should be immediately presented to the justice authorities and processed accordingly. Guterres added that as a state under the rule of law all those who violate the law are answerable to the courts and not political figures.

"The AMP de facto government has organized a reception ceremony whilst ignoring the warrants for the immediate apprehension of these rebels allegedly responsible for engaging in serious criminal action against this state. From what we hear, the rebel Salsinha and his group did not even formally surrender to authorities yesterday, but were permitted to participate in a public ceremony that was a charade. It was simply a farce for political gain."

Guterres also added: "FRETILIN views this undignified attitude by the state as projecting a negative image to our people and will only promote disrespect for the law and the constitution. It is also a blatant display by those who govern Timor-Leste today of their lack of respect for the rule of law."

Guterres said in closing that once again the FRETILIN parliamentary group congratulated the Joint Operation Command for the success in bringing the rebels to heel and acknowledged the personal efforts by Gastao Salsinha and his group as citizens of Timor-Leste to peacefully submit themselves to justice.

For further information please call Nilva Guimaraes in Dili: +670 7340389

Comunicado de Imprensa: FRETILIN rejeita a cerimónia para receber amotinados



Comunicado de Imprensa
Abril 30, 2008

FRETILIN rejeita a cerimónia para receber amotinados

O grupo parlamentar da FRETILIN rejeitou ontem participar numa cerimónia para receber o grupo amotinado liderado por Gastão Salsinha, dizendo que os amotinados devem enfrentar os tribunais primeiro, em vez de serem apresentados no palácio do governo.

O grupo de Salsinha está ligado ao alegado ataque ao Primeiro-Ministro de facto em 11 de Fevereiro de 2008.

O líder do grupo parlamentar da FRETILIN, Aniceto Guterres, deu esta resposta clara a perguntas dos media. Pensa-se que Mário Carrascalão o líder do PSD e deputado, recusou também estar presente na cerimónia.

"Esta cerimónia organizada pelo governo de facto da AMP é incorrecta. Dá uma imagem negativa do Estado da nossa nação. Não podemos tratar amotinados da mesma maneira que trataríamos uma cerimónia da família ou uma cerimónia tradicional. Devemos tratar estas questões de Estado com muita mais seriedade. Estas acções diminuíram a dignidade do Estado da nossa nação," disse Guterres.

De acordo com Guterres estes amotinados deviam ter sido imediatamente apresentados às autoridades da justiça e processados correctamente. Guterres acrescentou que num Estado sob o domínio da lei todos os que violaram a lei respondem perante os tribunais e não perante figuras políticas.

"O governo de facto da AMP organizou uma cerimónia de recepção ao mesmo tempo que ignorava o mandato para a apreensão imediata desses amotinados alegadamente responsáveis por se engajarem em acções criminosas graves contra o Estado. Pelo que ouvimos, o amotinado Salsinha e o seu grupo nem mesmo se renderam formalmente às autoridades ontem, mas foram autorizados a participar numa cerimónia pública que foi uma charada. Foi simplesmente uma farsa para ganhos políticos."

Guterres acrescentou ainda: "A FRETILIN vê esta atitude indigna pelo Estado como projectando uma imagem negativa para o nosso povo e apenas promoverá desrespeito pela lei e pela constituição. É também uma mostra descarada pelos que hoje governam Timor-Leste da sua falta de respeito pelo primado da lei."

Guterres disse a fechar que mais uma vez o grupo parlamentar da FRETILIN saúda o Comando da Operação Conjunta pelo sucesso em trazer os amotinados e reconheceu os esforços pessoais de Gastão Salsinha o o seu grupo como cidadãos de Timor-Leste para se entregarem pacificamente à justiça.

Para mais informação por favor ligue a Nilva Guimarães em Dili: +670 7340389

terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2008

Komunikadu Imprensa: "Fretilin Husu PM de Facto Demite Jose Luis Guterres"



Comunicado Imprensa

"Fretilin Husu PM de Facto Demite Jose Luis Guterres"

Bancada Fretilin liu hosi Plenaria Parlamentu Nasional ejije ba Primeiru Ministru de Facto Xanana Gusmao hanesan Chefe do governu atu demite/hasai Jose Luis Guterres hosi governu i halo investigasaun ba kazu autorizasaun transferensia osan povu nian hodi aumenta nia kaben nia salario, hanesan diplomata iha Nova Yorke..

Deklarasaun Bancada Fretilin nian ne'e, hato'o hosi Deputada Ilda da Conceicao, Iha Plenaria Extraordinaria, Tersa Feira, (08/04), iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional.

"Iha fulan Fevereiru 2008 iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional, ami Bankada Fretilin aprezenta kazu kona ba Sr. Jose Luis Guterres bainhira nia sei kaer kargu Ministru Negosiu Estranjeirus, momentu ne'e nia fo autorizasaun ba finansas halo transferensia salariu ida ke aa's teb-tebes ba nia kaben nebe'e hala'o knar iha Embaixada TL nian iha Nova Yorke America, Bancada Fretilin konsidera kazu ne'e grave tamba ami hare'e katak involve abuzu de poder, korpusaun no nepotismu,"Tenik Ilda.

Tuir Deputada Ilda katak, bainhira Bankada Fretilin aprezenta kazu ne'e iha Fulan Fevereiru liu ba, Senhores Deputadus sira hatete katak tengki aprezenta evidensias no provas, ne'e duni ohin ami hakarak hato'o provas nebe'e Sr. Jose Luis nia kaben rasik hakerek liu hosi email, hanesan tuir mai ne'e

As transfências feitas para a minha conta pessoal pelo Ministério das Finanças foram até agora respectivamente $ 10,673.33 no dia 24 de Novembro (referente ao primeiro trimester) 2006, $ 8,005.00 no dia 11 de Janeiro (referente ao segundo trimester) e 18,667.14 no dia 11 de Abril, (referente ao terceiro trimester) isto poder-se-á certamente comprovar no Ministério das Finanças. Vim só a saber na altura da verificação que por Lei, mesmo que eu possua passaporte Diplomatico Timorense, não me é dado o direito de cidadania por não ter vivido em Timor no minímo 8 anos. Por essa razão não poderia ser classificada Diplomata para efeitos de contracto nem benefícios."

"Sr. José Luis Guterres, núdar Ministru dos Negosios Estranjeirus, hatene katak nia kabem, nudar ema estranjeiru, labele hetan estatutu núdar diplomata iha Embaixada Timor-Leste nian, iha Nova Yorke. Tamba sá nia foti desizaun ida ne'e? Ne'e la'os kazu abuzu de poder, korupsaun no nepotismu?

Ami mos hatene katak Sr. Jose Luis Guterres nia kaben , uza osan ne'e hodi sosa mos Grand Piano, pianu bo'ot ida ba sira nia uma iha Amerika,"Tenik Deputada Ilda

Deputada Ilda esplika liu tan katak, Governu liderado husi Sua Exsia Sr. Jose Alexandre Gusmao hatene kona ba asuntu ida ne'e, maibe to'o agora, la halo buat ida. Tan sa'a? Ida ne'e hatudu katak governasaun ida ne'e laiha transparensia no integridade. Hatudu momos katak bo'ot sira, iha governu, hakarak taka falta ba malu deit.

Ami. Bankada FRETILIN husu ba Mesa PN atu hato'o ba Governu kazu Sr Jose Luis Guterres nian, maibe to'o ohin loron, ami sei dauk hatene buat ida.

Dala ida tan ami eziji ba S. E. Sr Jose Alexandre Gusmão hanesan Xefe do Governo atu demite/hasai Sr. Jose Luis Guterres husi Governu i halo investigasaun ba kazu autorizasaun transferencia osan povu nian hodi aumenta nia kabem nia salario, hanesan diplomata, iha Nova York

Atu hetan informasaun

Bele kontaktu no hp:+670 7340389-7383872

terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2008

Media Release: FRETILIN asks National Parliament to invite Prosecutor General to explain his Report on the Stage of Siege



Media Release

April 1, 2008

FRETILIN asks National Parliament to invite Prosecutor General to explain his Report on the Stage of Siege

FRETILIN MP and Vice President Arsenio Bano asked the National Parliament today to invite the Prosecutor General of the Republic, Longuinhos Monteiro, to explain the result of his investigation into the 11 February attempts on the President and de facto Prime Minister, as well as the implementation of the state of siege.

Bano’s move was in response to the Prosecutor General's report, which was tabled in parliament today. “The report that has been tabled in parliament is not clear or detailed, and reads more like a novel,” said Bano.

“It is important that we as the peoples’ representative in this National Parliament get a thorough and detailed explanation from the Prosecutor General of the Republic regarding the results of his office’s investigation of the February 11 attempts, as well as the impact of the state of siege on our community and our citizens’ rights.

“We need to know what action has been taken by the police and military forces and against how many people arrest warrants have been issued,” said Bano.

“The Prosecutor General should come to parliament personally to answer questions from the MPs,” Bano concluded.

For further information please call Nilva Guimaraes in Dili: +670 7340389