"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2007

Media Release - FRETILIN demands investigation into shooting of CNRT campaign worker



Media release

3 June 2007

FRETILIN demands investigation into shooting of CNRT campaign worker

FRETILIN, the largest political party in Timor-Leste (East Timor), today demanded that a proper independent investigation be carried out in relation to the death of an armed civilian CNRT campaign worker shot by police today in Viqueque district east of Dili during campaigning for the 30 June parliamentary elections.

Dr Mari Alkatiri, the secretary general of FRETILIN, said a full investigation needs to be carried into the death of Afonso Kudalai to establish the facts and circumstances of the shooting.

Alkatiri added “that there also needs to be an inquiry to explain why a campaign team member of a political party was armed with a gun and to determine the person that provided him with that weapon.”

The investigation needs to involve the Office of the President, the Government of Timor-Leste and the United Nations Police Force.”

Alkatiri said that his sources had informed him that the incident occurred as the CNRT party campaign team headed towards Ossu from Uatolari.

Alkatiri said “FRETILIN condemns all forms of violence and provocative campaigning. Those who are guilty of perpetrating violence must be arrested and brought to trial so that justice can be served.”

For more information, please contact:

Fretilin Media (+670) 733 5060 or email fretilin.media@gmail.com

Comunicado de Imprensa - FRETILIN exige uma investigação sobre a morte a tiro de um membro da equipa eleitoral do CNRT



Comunicado de Imprensa

3 Junho 2007

FRETILIN exige uma investigação sobre a morte a tiro de um membro da equipa eleitoral do CNRT

A FRETILIN exige uma investigação independente aos acontecimentos registados, no dia de hoje, em Ossu, Viqueque, que resultaram na morte de Afonso Kudalai, um civil ilegalmente armado, e membro da equipa de campanha do recém-criado partido liderado por Xanana Gusmão.

A FRETILIN condena todas as formas de violência e de intimidação das populações e regista negativamente a sucessão de provocações registadas nos últimos dois dias pela campanha do recém-criado partido de Xanana Gusmão, em Uatulari e em Ossu.

Exigimos uma investigação independente que envolva o Gabinete do Presidente da República, o Governo de Timor-Leste e a Polícia das Nações Unidas, para que se apure a verdade dos factos e se possa aferir da responsabilidade política ou partidária”, afirma Marí Alkatiri, Secretário Geral da FRETILIN.

A FRETILIN exige esclarecimento ao facto de um membro de um partido político estar ilegalmente armado em plena campanha, assim como se deve apurar com exactidão quem lhe providenciou ou autorizou a usar arma.

A FRETILIN reafirma o respeito integral pela Lei Eleitoral e pelo Código de Conduta que subscreveu.

A FRETLIN rejeita todas as formas de violência. e apela a uma campanha de tolerância e de não agressão, sendo que quem a promova, a instigue e a pratique seja levado à justiça.

Para mais informações, contacte: Fretilin Media (+670) 733 5060


Komunikadu Imprensa - FRETILIN ejize investigasaun kona ba kazu CNRT nia membru mate tamba hetan tiru.




Komunikadu inprensa

3 Juñu 2007

FRETILIN ejize investigasaun kona ba kazu CNRT nia membru mate tamba hetan tiru.

FRETILIN, partidu polítiku bo’ot liu iha Timor-Leste, ezije ohin atu iha investigasaun independente lolós kona ba kazu ne’ebé ema sivil armadu ida , husi ekipa kampaña CNRT nian, mate ohin tamba hetan tiru husi polísia distritu Viqueque nian.

Dr. Mari Alkatiri, Sekretáriu-Jeral FRETILIN nian, hatete katak tenke halao investigasaun tomak ida hodi haré lolós faktus no sirkuntánsias (saída mak akontese, oinsá, akontese iha nebé, sé mak oho no tamba sá) kona ba kazu nebé Afonso Kudalai mate tamba hetan tiru.

Alkatiri hatutan” katak tenke halao inkéritu ida ba explika tamba sá mak membru ekipa kanpaña partidu polítiku nian lao ho kilat no hodi hatene sé mak fó kilat ba nia”.

Ïnvestigasaun ne’e tenke halao ho envolvimentu Gabinete Prezidente nian, Governu Timor-Leste nian no Polísia Nasoens Unidas nian”.

Alkatiri hatete katak nia simu informasaun katak kazu ne’e akontese bainhira ekipa CNRT nian ba husi Uatolari ba Ossú.

Alkatiri dehan “FRETILIN kondena violénsia hotu-hotu no provokasaun sira nebé ema halo iha kampaña. Ema sira nebé kulpadu duni tamba halao violénsia tenke kaer no lori sira ba julgamentu hodi hasoru justisa”.

Hakarak hatene tan informasaun, bele dere arame ba:

Fretilin media (+670) 733 5060 selae email fretilin.media@gmail.com

Media Release - We want justice for crimes

Vote for FRETILIN!
2007 Parliamentary Elections

From the people, with the people and for the people”

Media release

1 June 2007

We want justice for crimes

FRETILIN the largest political party in Timor-Leste (East Timor) today said that it supports the prosecution of people who have committed crimes against the East Timorese people in the period between 1975 and 1999.

Aniceto Guterres, a FRETILIN parliamentary candidate, today in Dili said that “FRETILIN believes the search for justice should begin with thorough investigations into crimes which lead to prosecutions, trials and sentencing. This is because respect for human rights and the rule of law is of utmost importance for our emerging democracy.”

He said “FRETILIN is the only political institution that has consistently defended the right to justice for the victims of human rights abuses in Timor-Leste.

It was FRETILIN who insisted that the legislation creating the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR) and the Commission for Truth and Friendship (CTF) not include amnesties or immunities for people who committed serious crimes between 1975 and 1999.

He added “the granting of amnesty should not be a pre-condition for cooperating with investigations. Amnesty is just a tool to be used in appropriate circumstances, say for example, where it can lead to the uncovering of the truth which is also essential to achieving justice and reconciliation.”

Guterres said that the CAVR and CTF is only the beginning of the search for justice. FRETILIN will give high priority to progressing the recommendations from the Final Report from the CAVR (“CHEGA!”) through prompt debate in Parliament.

The pursuit of justice is essential for this nation because even the crimes of 1999 have not been resolved satisfactorily. This has meant that people involved with the pro-autonomy militia now hold senior positions in some political parties or are candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections which will mean that they could be elected to National Parliament, the supreme law making body of Timor-Leste.”

In terms of opposition parties pointing fingers, some of them should be looking more at their own houses than at others.”

Regarding Timor-Leste’s relationship with Indonesia, Gutteres said: “It is important to promote good relationships with our neighbours and this is something the FRETILIN government has always done. However, this should not result in our nation doing things which result in justice not being pursued or the process of reconciliation between our nations neglected”.

Guterres said “When FRETILIN speaks about justice we are not talking about simple words or theorizing. We are committed to the process of justice, truth and healing which will lead to true reconciliation for the people of Timor-Leste who are an inspiring and proud people and who deserve the dignity of due process and the rule of law.”

For more information please contact: Jose Teixeira (+670) 332 2970 or email fretilin.media@gmail.com

Komunkadu Imprensa / Comunicado de Imprensa - Ami hakarak justisa ba krime nebe kontra povo Maubere / Queremos justiça contra os criminosos

Eleisaun lejislativa 2007

Husi Povu, ho povu, ba povu”

Komunikadu imprensa

1 Junu 2007

Ami hakarak justisa ba krime nebe kontra povo Maubere

FRETILIN ohin dehan katak partidu nee fo suporta ba halo justisa ba sira nebe komite krime hodi hasoru povo Maubere iha tempo entre 1975 to’o 1999.

Aniceto Guterres, kandidatu parlamentar FRETILIN nian, ohin dehan katak “FRETILIN fiar prosesu buka justisa tenke hahu ho investiagasaun didiak depois tama iha prosesu tribunal no fo sentensa. Direitus humanus no estadu lei importante teb-tebes ba ita nia demokrasia.”

Nia haktuir “FRETILIN maka institusaun mesak nebe defende nafatin direitu humanus no mos justisa ba vitima sira iha Timor-Leste.”

FRETILIN maka insiste makaas hodi kria legislasaun Komisaun Akolhimentu, Verdade e Rekonsiliasaun (CAVR) no Komisaun Verdade e Amizade (CVA) nian para la bele fo amnestia ka imunidade ba sira nebe komite krime grave entre 1975 to’o 1999.”

Nia hatutan “atu fo amnestia laos kondisaun ida para hetan kooperasaun ba investigasaun. Atu fo amnestia maka hanesan xarve ida nebe bele utilisa iha situasaun nebe presisa. Exemplo ida mak hanesan bele fo amnestia atu buka lia los hodi hetan justisa no rekonsiliasaun.”

Guterres dehan katak CAVR no CVA mak hanesan buat ida nebe hahu uluk hodi hetan justisa. FRETILIN, liu husi debate iha parlamentariu, sei fo prioridade boot ba progresu tuir rekomendasaun husi relatoriu final “CHEGA!” husi CAVR.

Prosesu buka justisa presisa duni iha ita nia nasaun tamba krime 1999 nian to’o agora sidauk resolve. Tamba nee mak sira nebe uluk involve iha militia pro-autonomia agora tur iha kadeira boot iha partidu politika no mos sai hanesan kandidatu ba eleisaun parlamentar tuir mai. Sira nee bele sai deputadu iha Parlamentu Nasional, orgaun soberania nebe maka kria lei iha Timor-Leste.”

Partidu oposisaun sira tenke hare uluk ba sira nia uma laran molok hatete aat partidu sira seluk.”

Kona ba relasaun entre Timor-Leste no Indonesia, Guterres dehan katak, “Importante teb-tebes ba ita nia nasaun promove relasaun diak ho ita nia viziñu no FRETILIN sempre halo servisu ida nee. Maiba atu harii relasaun diak la bele haluha fali buka justisa ka halakon prosesu rekonsiliasaun. Se justisa la iha, ita la bele halao rekonsiliasaun ho ita nia viziñu.”

Guterres haktuir, “Bainhira FRETILIN koalia kona ba justisa, ami sei iha komitmentu boot hodi buka justisa, lia los no fo diak ba malu, depois mak ita bele tama iha prosesu reskonsiliasaun ba povo Timor-Leste nebe fo inspirasaun no sira maka tenke hetan dignidade liu husi prosesu justisa no estadu direitu.”

Ba hetan informasaun bele kontatu: Aniceto Guterres (+670) 723 8569, Jose Teixeira (+670) 332 2970, email fretilin.media@gmail.com


Vota para a FRETILIN!
Eleições Legislativas 2007

Do Povo, Com o Povo, Para o Povo”

Comunicado a imprensa

1 Junho 2007

Queremos justiça contra os criminosos

A FRETILIN, o maior partido político de Timor-Leste, afirmou hoje que apoiava a investigação de todos os crimes cometidos contra o povo de Timor-Leste no período compreendido entre 1975 e 1999.

Aniceto Guterres, candidato da FRETILIN ao Parlamento Nacional, disse hoje em Dili que “ A FRETILIN tem defendido que a justiça passa necessariamente pela investigação dos crimes cometidos de forma a que os responsáveis respondam em tribunal pelos crimes de que são indiciados. Isto porque o respeito pelos direitos humanos e pelo primado da lei são aspectos basilares na cronstrução da nossa democracia.

Ele disse que a “FRETILIN é o único partido político que tem defendido com coerência o direito à justiça de todas as vítimas de violações de direitos humanos ocorridos em Timor-Leste.

Foi a FRETILIN que insistiu que a legislação que criou a Comissão para o Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliação (CAVR) a a Comissão para a Verdade e Amizade (CVA)não incluisse aministias nem garantisse a impunidade para aqueles que cometeram crimes graves entre 1975 e 1999.

Acrescentou “ a concessão da aministia não pode ser uma pré-condição para colaborar com a justiça. A amnestia é um instrumento para ser usado em determinadas circunstancias, como por exemplo, quando possa levar à descoberta da verdade material que é também essencial para que se alcance a justiça e a reconciliação.”

Guterres disse que a CAVR a CVA é apenas o começo da caminhada para alcançarmos a justiça. A FRETILIN vai dar a maior prioridade ao seguimento das recomendações contidas no “Chega”- relatório final da CAVR através do seu debate imediato no Parlamento.

A justiça é essencial para esta Nação porque mesmo os crimes que tiveram lugar em 1999 não foram convenientemente tratados. Isto teve como consequência, que pessoas envolvidas com as milícias pró-autonomistas agora figurem em posições de destaque em alguns partidos políticos ou são mesmo candidatos nas próximas eleições parlamentares, o que significa que podem ser eleitos para o Parlamento Nacional, o mais alto orgão legislativo de Timor-Leste.”

Aos partidos da oposição que gostam de apontar o dedo, alguns deviam primeiro ver-se ao espelho em vez de ver o agrelho no olho do vizinho.”

No tocante às relações de Timor-Leste com a Indonésia, Guterres disse: “ É importante promover boas relações de vizinhança com os nossos vizinhos e isso é algo que o governo da FRETILIN sempre procurou fazer. No entanto, isto não pode significar que o nosso País tenha de fazer coisas que no fim resultem na denegação da justiça ou negligência pelo processo de reconciliação.

Guterres disse “Quando a FRETILIN fala da Justiça não está a falar de cor, não está a falar em abstracto. Nós estamos empenhados na busca da Justiça e da Verdade, no sarar das feridas, que levarão o Povo de Timor-Leste à verdadeira reconciliação, nós somos um povo orgulhoso que merece ser tratado com a dignidade que só o primado da lei nos garante.”

Para mais informações, contacte: Aniceto Guterres (+670) 723 8569, Jose Teixeira (+670) 728 7080, fretilin.media@gmail.com

Media Release - FRETILIN's strong platform for economic growth

Vote for FRETILIN!
2007 Parliamentary Elections
“Defending From the people, with the people and for the

Media release
1 June 2007

FRETILIN’s strong platform for economic growth

The economy of Timor-Leste (East Timor) will grow by an average of 7% in real terms over the next
5 years, thanks to the strong platform laid by the FRETILIN government, Prime Minister Estanislau
Da Silva said today.
Da Silva, a FRETILIN parliamentary candidate for the 30 June parliamentary elections, said the prediction
of GDP growth was provided by the Ministry of Planning and Finance.
“The FRETILIN government over the last five years has put in place programs and policies which have laid
the platform for strong sustainable economic growth,” he said. “This growth will bring real benefits to the
people of Timor-Leste.”
“People often forget that when FRETILIN came to office the government had no money to spend and the
country had almost no infrastructure.
“In five years we have succeeded in building, from the ground up, all the State institutions, particularly
government agencies to deliver services to the people of Timor-Leste.
“We also had to develop laws to regulate the workings of government.”
Petroleum Fund
Da Silva said that after successfully negotiating the Timor Sea petroleum agreement, FRETILIN
established the Petroleum Fund managed by the independent Banking and Payments Authority.
“We established legal mechanisms to regulate the use of the Petroleum Fund to make it transparent and
accountable, so as to guard against corruption and mismanagement,” he said.
“The Timor-Leste Petroleum Fund is regarded internationally as the most transparent in the world”.
Health care
Da Silva said the FRETILIN government provides every citizen free access to hospitals and basic health
He added the government has spent USD$30 million setting up a national health structure.
“The government is rehabilitating and expanding the national hospital in Dili at a cost of USD$9 million.
Five referral hospitals are being built in the districts of Oecussi (west of Dili), Bobonaro (west of Dili), Ainaro
(south of Dili), Baucau (east of Dili) and Covalima (west of Dili) at a cost of USD$16 million.
The government is also overseeing the building of a national laboratory; 47 health centres and 104 health
clinics stations have been built across the country.
Da Silva praised the bilateral health program with Cuba under which the Cuban government has agreed to
train 1,000 East Timorese doctors at its universities at no cost to the government of Timor-Leste.
“There are now 698 East Timorese studying medicine in Cuba and the government will send more students
in the next few years until the quota of 1,000 students is reached.
“Once all the students return from Cuba, Timor-Leste will have at least one doctor for each of its 442 sucos
(administrative levels which cover a group of villages). This is far more than at any time prior to the
restoration of independence in 2002.”
Da Silva added that under the bilateral health program Cuba has also sent 228 doctors, 23 nurses, 40
health technicians and 11 Spanish-language teachers to Timor-Leste. He said 105 East Timorese are
studying locally under the guidance of Cuban health experts.
Da Silva said the FRETILIN government has developed primary and secondary school curriculums and
abolished parents’ contributions for primary schools. “The government is now working to abolish fees for
secondary schools,” he said.
“We have also completed the refurbishment of almost all schools and every community now has access to
primary education. Eighty percent of Timor-Leste’s children are now attending primary school.
“The free primary school feeding program will be extended to all areas nationally next year.
“The government is also working in partnership with the Church to open more secondary schools and is
proud to be providing the Church with increased financial assistance to run the Catholic primary and
secondary schools and their social programs.
“We are also committed to providing financial assistance for private schools operated by other religious
Adult literacy
The National Adult Literacy Campaign, recently launched nationwide, aims to halve the illiteracy rate within
five years and eradicate illiteracy by 2015. “The launch of the campaign has created 500 new jobs for East
Timorese,” Da Silva said.
Da Silva said the government has overseen an increase in agricultural productivity over the last five years.
“For example, we have increased rice production from an average of 1.5 tonnes per hectare to 2.2 tonnes
per hectare. In addition, we have recently released new varieties of rice and maize crops to increase food
“The proportion of imported rice needed to feed the population has fallen from two thirds to one third of
domestic consumption,” he said.
“Despite limited resources we have rehabilitated several major irrigation schemes and provided funding for
small scale community based irrigation systems.
“The Ministry of Agriculture this year introduced the Community Development Fund under which each of
the 442 sucos will receive USD $10,000 for community development programs. The total cost of the
Community Development Fund is just under USD$4.7 million.
“The Community Development Fund is an exercise by the government in evaluating community needs and
capabilities. The FRETILIN government is now looking at continuing this program for the next five years.
“This program has created jobs and developed community based initiatives in rural areas.”
Employment and vocational training
The FRETILIN government has introduced the Employment and Vocational Training Fund which provides
funds for community training centres to deliver vocational training to unemployed people.
“The government has opened Employment Centres in the districts of Baucau, Oecussi, Dili and Bobonaro
and will open three more in the next financial year. The employment centres are there to help people find
work,” Da Silva said.
“The FRETILIN government’s cash for work/peace program has also created numerous employment
opportunities with 37,000 people benefiting so far.”
Da Silva said the FRETILIN government is now finalizing regulations to govern the operation of a scheme
to pay pensions to veteran soldiers of the resistance.
Parliament passed legislation to establish a legal framework for the scheme last year.
The FRETILIN government has drawn up sector investment programs that set out priorities for each
government and state institution to enable them to develop detailed projects for investment.
Da Silva said this would facilitate accelerated infrastructure development in the next five years.
“We have revised the financial management system as well as reformed the tax system to enable a
judicious decentralization of financial responsibility. The legislation establishing both legal frameworks will
be submitted for approval by the next parliament.”
The FRETILIN government will fully fund construction of the Ira Lalaro Hydro power station in the next five
years at a cost of USD$90-100 million. “This power station will enable us to supply electricity to all parts of
the country,” Da Silva said.
“Now that the government has enough money from the petroleum fund, we are providing 31 rural power
stations with sufficient fuel for at least six hours operation a day – without any assurance that the cost of
providing the fuel will be recovered by the government.”
Drinking water
Da Silva said providing potable water is a key measure to improve people’s health. “Completion of a joint
project with the government of Japan to rehabilitate Dili water treatment plants means that Dili now has 10
times more drinking water than was ever the case prior to the restoration of independence.
“Next on the government’s agenda is the rehabilitation and expansion of water treatment plants in the
southern central towns of Ainaro and Same.
“It is important to recognize that access to clean water has significantly increased in rural areas in the last 5
years. For instance, 80% of the population of Atauro island off the coast of Dili now have access to clean
water, far greater than it used to be prior to the restoration of independence.
Da Silva said the FRETILIN government has overseen the establishment of a telecommunications network.
“This will be improved in coming years so that internet and telephone services can be provided nationally,”
he said.
For more information, please contact:
Jose Teixeira on (+670) 728 7080 or fretilin.media@gmail.com
www.timortruth.com, www.fretilin-rdtl.blogspot.com,