"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

"Defendendo a Independencia de Timor-Leste"

quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2008

Media Release: FRETILIN calls on Brigadier Baker and Health Minister Nelson to attend Parliament



Media Release

March 26, 2008

FRETILIN calls on Brigadier Baker and Health Minister Nelson to attend Parliament

FRETILIN today called for the International Stabilisation Force Commander in Timor Leste (East Timor), Brigadier James Baker and Minister for Health Dr Rui Nelson to appear before parliament to answer questions about the shooting of President Ramos Horta on February 11 2008.

FRETILIN’s Deputy Parliamentary Leader, Francisco Miranda Branco, said Brigadier Baker and Dr Nelson needed to clarify reports that efforts to give urgent medical attention to the gravely wounded President were impeded, and to explain the ISF’s failure to swiftly launch an operation to pursue and capture the attackers.

“It is vital to clarify these and other matters that are presently the subject of public concern and speculation. The only way to do this effectively and transparently is for the Commander of the ISF and the health minister to appear in parliament to answer questions,” said Branco.

He said there had been widespread public discussion of reports that an ambulance was prevented from crossing the ISF security cordon outside the President's residence.

“When an ambulance did arrive, there were no doctors accompanying it despite there being a team of doctors assembled at the hospital to attend to the President at the site of the shooting. How and why did this occur when our President was lying on the ground seriously injured and losing blood?” he asked.

“The events of February 11 highlighted serious weaknesses and failure on the part of the defence and security apparatus. Together with the government and the United Nations, the ISF have a tripartite responsibility for defence and security. We therefore feel it necessary to ask the people responsible for these sectors, such as the ISF, to come and address the concerns of the representatives of the people who have been waiting for answers to such basic questions since February 11.”

Branco said the ISF commander should also explain how the attackers were able to travel undetected from Ermera district to the president’s residence in Dili without detection or forewarning, and why there was a long delay in launching an operation to pursue and capture the attackers.

“We are moved to make these requests in parliament by the strange silence that we and the public have been faced with from those responsible for defence and security in our country. A silence that has caused leading figures in our country such as the Bishop of Baucau, Dom Basilio do Nascimento to refer to the ‘mystery of February 11’. We share his views. We do not want any more mysteries, we want transparency for our people, so that we can hold the government and others accountable in light of these serious events. So far no one is prepared to take the least bit of responsibility for the demonstrated failures and weaknesses,” said Branco.

At a media conference in Dili today, Branco criticised the de facto Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao’s admission to parliament yesterday that the government had done nothing to establish an International Commission of Investigation into the 11 February events.

“Parliament demanded a month ago that the government establish an international investigation. Only 17 of the 65 MPs voted against the resolution,” Branco said.

"The de facto Prime Minister’s statement shows a lack of seriousness and lack of will on the part of the government to implement the parliament's resolution.

"Our country needs a transparent and independent investigation that can only be undertaken by international experts and lawyers.

‘The current investigations, being assisted by the FBI and Australian Federal Police, are only within the ambit of establishing criminal responsibility, and we need an independent international investigation to establish the broader truth and justice,” he said.

For further information please call Nilva Guimaraes in Dili: +670 7340389

quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2008



Dili, RDTL

Ho sentido de estadu bankada FRETILIN hakarak halo parte iha plenaria
extraordinaria ida nee hodi fo nia kontribuisaun ba kestaun bot estadu
nian. Bankada parlamentar FRETILIN depois de hare besik ba impaktus
neebe horas nee lori ba povu kiik kiak iha base no rona mos reasoens
barak hosi ita nia sosiedade sira neebe mosu hanesa konsekuensia husi
dekretu estadu de sitiu neebe halakon daudaun direitus basikus
sidadaun barak ninian, maske situasaun de poder ida nee lori hakmatek
ba ema balun.

Ami nia bankada hanoin lolos la presiza akontese dekreta estadu do
sitiu ida neebe hahu husi 48 horas ikus mai extende ba loron 10 tuir
mai extende tan ba loron 30. Tuir lolos se governu hare presiza duni
tamba situasaun estadu ninian husu dalan ida loron 30, depois make
hare. Se hau la sala estadu de sitiu ka estadu de emergensia neebe
naruk hanesa nee karik la iha presediensia iha mundu tomak.

Operasaun konjunta F-FDTL/PNTL ami apoia atu halau nafatin tamba
Timor-Leste hetan iha tempu kotuk experiensia rua operasaun militar,
ida mak operasaun ba Atsabe no Hatolia iha tinan 2003 ida fali mak
operasaun ba Manufahi 2006, iha tempu neeba estadu Timor-Leste la
presiza dekreta estadu de sitiu ka estadu de emergensia hodi halau
operasaun militar. Ami mos regista iha tempu neeba governu husi Dr.
Mari Alkatiri, liu te operasaun Atsabe Hatolia desidi halau
governasaun aberta iha Atsabe no la presiza dekreta estadu de sitiu ka
emergensia no governasaun aberta nee hetan susessu no ajuda tan
servisu seguransa nian.

Exigensia ato dekreta kontinuidade estadu de sitiu no estadu de
emergensia nee bele hatudu deit imkapasidade governu de facto ida nee,
ato ukun iha situasaun ida normal, tamba nee mak halo opsaun hodi
halakon direitus basikus sidadaun sira nian liu husi estadu de sitiu
ka estadu de emergensia neebe mos prejudika dadaun ona sidadaun kiik
sira nia moris loroloron. Ukun iha kondisaun ida nee bele loke dalan
ba halakon estadu de direitu iha Timor-Leste no hari fali estadu neebe
sidadaun sira lakon sira nia direitu. Ami hanoin ukun iha kondisaun
ida hanesan nee, nee governu la ukun, maibe governu komanda, no
situasaun ida nee halo ita hanoin fila fali ba tempu resistensia neebe
hotu hotu iha komandu ida deit nia okus.

Ami mos hare ho preokupasaun bot horas nee dadaun mosu ona tauk iha
sidadaun sira nia leet kona ba asoens operasaun polisia inteligensia
ninian hanesan ohin primeiru ministru de facto rasik hateten
"situasaun ida nee hanesan tempu 24 anos iha Indonésia nia okupasaun".

Horas nee ita iha estadu ida neebe la iha primado de lei, ita iha
estadu ida neebe, ema neebe ukun goza, laos deit imunidade maibe mos
impunidade. Ami hakarak hato ami nia preokupasaun ato uma fukun
parlamentu nasional ida nee labele sai hanesa kavalo mandadu deit hodi
tau karimbu ba desizaun hotu hotu neebe mai, eseptu ba deputadus balun
no mos opozisaun FRETILIN. Situasaun ida nee bele lori ita nia
estadu lao lalais los ba ditadura, tamba bankada FRETILIN hare ba
kondisoens neebe nasaun hasoru oras nee la iha ameasa bot ba ordem
konstitusional demokratika, tamba nee bankada FRETILIN labele apoia
deklarasaun ba prorogasaun estadu de emergensia muito menus ba estadu
de sitiu iha ita nia nasaun. Maibe ami hakarak iha nee fo nafatin ami
nia apoiu tomak ba operasaun konjunta F-FDTL/PNTL hodi halau operasaun
tamba nee bankada FRETILIN husu ba povu tomak liuliu ba militantes no
simpatizantes FRETILIN ato tulun komandu konjuntu F-FDTL/PNTL ato
halau nia operasaun ho susesu.

Bankada FRETILIn hakarak repeti fila fali nia mensagem liu husi
plenária ida nee, hodi husu ba Slasinha, tamba nia mos ema
resistensia, ho nia grupu armados sira ato voluntariamente entrega aan
ba forsas seguransa neebe halau hela operasaun militar hasoru sira,
operasaun neebe lori estadu RDTL ninia desizaun, tamba nudar ema moris
deit mak bele fo kontribuisaun bot ba lialos no justisa iha



segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2008

Media Release (Tetum and English): FRETILIN ejije naran ho prosesu hasoru ema ne’ebé alegadu impede Salsinha ho nia grupu atu rende, FRETILIN demands



17 Marsu 2008

Komunikadu de Imprensa

FRETILIN ejije naran ho prosesu hasoru ema ne'ebé alegadu impede Salsinha ho
nia grupu atu rende

Lideransa FRETILIN iha Parlamentu Nasionál ejije ohin katak Prokuradór Jerál
ho Prezidente da Repúblika interinu fó-sai naran no hahú prosesu kriminál
hasoru ema ne'ebé sira dehan iha públiku katak deskonfia sira maka halo
impedimentu ba eis-tenente Salsinha ho ninia grupu atu entrega an.

Francisco Branco, bainhira reponde ba reportajen hosi mídia kona-ba
deklarasaun hosi Prezidente interinu, Fernando de Araújo Lasama, ho
Prokuradór Jerál, Longuinhos Monteiro, katak sira (Lasama ho Monteiro)
deskonfia iha parte terseiru maka interfere hela hodi prevene Salsinha ho
ninia grupu atu entrega an dezde insidente violenta iha dia 11 de Fevereiru,
hatete katak "interese nasionál ejije sira atu halo buat ida ne'e, envés de
hamosu fali espekulasaun oioin, soe rumór tun-sa'e ho hamosu konfuzaun iha
ita-nia komunidade liu hosi komentáriu oioin ne'ebé laiha sentidu no laiha
substánsia iha imprensa.

"Se iha karik ema ne'ebé maka sira deskonfia mete iha hahalok ilegál ida
ne'e, ema sira ne'e tenke hetan akuzasaun no fó-sai sira-nia naran iha
públiku, no lori sira ba tribunál. Buat ne'e tenke la'o tuir lei," Branco

"Lideransa FRETILIN tomak ho ninia membru parlamentu kontinua fó apoiu
totál ba operasaun konjunta F-FDTL/PNTL no reitera sira nia apelu ba
Timor-oan tomak, inkluindu membru ho militante FRETILIN, atu servisu hamutuk
ho asiste operasaun konjunta ne'e iha fatin hotu-hotu atu garante operasaun
ne'e nia susesu.

FRETILIN mós repete ninia apelu ba Sr. Salsinha ho ninia grupu armadu atu
rende kedas ba forsa seguransa, ne'ebé oras-ne'e hala'o hela operasaun
hasoru sira. Só ho evita violénsia ho raan-fakar maka sira bele kontribui ba
prosesu buka lia-loos ho justisa iha ita-nia rain," Branco hakotu.

Sr. Branco nia apelu ne'e hanesan ho Bispo Dioseze Baucau, Dom Basilio do
Nascimento. Liu hosi mídia lokál ida ohin, Bispo Basilio dehan katak
Prokuradór Jerál-nia deklarasaun iha públiku katak iha terseira parte ida
maka impede hela Salsinha ho nia grupu atu rende, fomenta fali populasaun
atu hamosu no haburas espekulasaun ho rumór oioin.

Atu hetan tan komentáriu: Nilva Guimarães, Media Officer, Grupu Parlamentár
Dili, +670 734 0398; José Teixeira, Deputado, +670 728 7080



March 17, 2008


FRETILIN demands naming and action against alleged impeders of
Salsinha group surrender

The FRETILIN leader in the Timor-Leste National Parliament demanded
today that Timor-Leste's Prosecutor General and interim President of
the Republic name and commence criminal action against persons they
have publicly stated are suspected of actively impeding the surrender
to authorities of former army Lieutenant Salsinha and his armed group.

Francisco Branco, reacting to media reports of statements by both the
interim President Fernando de Araujo Lasama, and Prosecutor General
Monteiro Longhuinos, that they suspected that a third party or parties
had been actively interfering to prevent Salsinha and his armed group
from surrendering since the violent incidents of 11th February, said
that it was in the "national interest that they do so instead of
opening up speculation, rumour mongering and confusion in our
community by making vague and unsubstantiated remarks in the press.

"If there are people who are suspected of engaging in such unlawful
conduct, then they should be charged and publicly named and brought
before the courts. That is how it works in a state under the rule of
law," added Branco.

"The whole of the FRETILIN leadership and its parliamentarians
continue to give their full support to the joint F-FDTL/PNTL operation
and reiterate their appeal to all Timorese, including FRETILIN members
and supporters, to cooperate and assist the joint operation in every
way they can to ensure the operation succeeds.

"FRETILIN also repeats its appeal to Mr. Salsinha and his armed Group
to surrender forthwith to the security forces, who are presently
undertaking operations against them. Only by avoiding further violence
and bloodshed will they be able to contribute to the process of
seeking truth and justice in our country," Branco concluded.

Mr. Branco's calls were echoed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Baucau,
Basilio do Nascimento. In local media today, the Bishop said that the
Prosecutor General's public statement that third parties had been
impeding Salsinha and his group from surrendering had opened the door
to needless public speculation and rumour.

For further comment: Nilva Gimaraes, Media Officer, FRETILIN
Parliamentary Group +670 734 0389

Jose Teixeira MP in Dili +670 728 7080